How to Verify Smart Contract Ownership in Explorer Coinex Smart Chain

After developers create or deploy a smart contract, they can then verify the ownership address of the smart contract, this serves to validate the ownership of the smart contract and for the requirements for the process of submitting an info token update in the smart chain coinex explorer.

Verification of smart contract address ownership also serves to protect smart contracts from other parties who update the info token, when the smart contract address is verified in explorer, only you or your wallet can update the info token, this will create a sense of security from abuse from third parties. others do update token info. The simple thing is, only smart contract developers can update the info token and to show that the smart contract really belongs to them.

You can claim or verify ownership of more than one smart contract, one of your wallets can be used to verify multiple smart contract addresses.

Where To Verify Ownership Address Smart Contract ?

Ownership verification is done in the coinex smart chain explorer Explorer is a site that displays all transactions and information on a blockchain, which runs in real time and is public or transparent. When a transaction occurs on the blockchain, it will also be displayed in the coinex smart chain explorer

Do I Need to Pay to Verify Ownership Address Smart Contract?

No, to verify ownership is completely free, and this is done automatically in the explorer coinex smart chain, you only need to create an account or register in explorer coinex smart chain and sign in your metamask wallet.

What are the Requirements for Verification of Ownership Address Smart Contract?

There are several conditions that you need to fulfill before verifying the ownership address of the smart contract in the Coinex Smart Chain explorer

  • Smart contracts must be perfectly deployed on the coinex smart chain blockchain
  • The smart contract code must be verified in the coinex smart chain explorer
  • Verification must use the wallet used to deploy the smart contract


How to Verify Ownership Address Smart Contract?

1# Register to Explorer Coinex Smart Chain

  • Visit
  • Register an account on, fill in all the required data
  • Verify the code * code will be sent to your email


2# Verification of Ownership Address Smart Contract

For this step, make sure you have prepared a wallet (metamask) and make sure you are using the rpc blockchain coinex smart chain.

Network Name : Coinex Smart Chain
ChainID : 52
Symbol : CET
Block Explorer :

  • Go to the “Verified Address” menu
  • Click “Add“, a pop-up will appear asking you to enter a smart contract
  • The example in this article I verify the crc20 smart contract
  • Enter the address of the smart contract, click “Next
  • Click the “Sign With Web3 Wallet” button
  • Connect your wallet, and do Sign in metamask
  • Click “Submit

The verification process is very fast and easy, after being verified, you can then request an update token, to display logo, web info, social media info and others.

Can Other People Claim Smart Contract Address?

No, after the smart contract has been verified, other people will not be able to claim or verify your smart contract address, an alert will appear that the address has been verified by you.

Can I Verify Other Smart Contract Addresses?

Yes, you can add or verify up to 100 smart contract addresses in one account.

Adding a Tag or Name to the Smart Contract Address

Then you can add the name/tag/info to the address of the smart contract that was previously verified. Later the address will have a name/tag in the coinex smart chain explorer.

  • Go to explorer coinex
  • Click the “Private Notes” menu and click “Add
  • A popup will appear, Enter “address smart contract” and enter “name/tag
  • Click Confirm, and wait 10-15 seconds, the tag will appear at the address
  • To see the tag, you can see it in the explorer coinex smart chain
  • Furthermore, for every transaction at that address, the tag will appear (in the explorer coinex smart chain)

Alif Fahmi

hi , I'm Alif, I'm a blockchain & cryptocurrency lover, I love writing & learning, my job is web developer & crypto trader